Recovery Is a Marathon
Remember, recovery is not a sprint, it's a marathon!
It is so important that you move through recovery at a comfortable pace
so you actually experience the process as opposed to rushing through it.
When we rush through anything in life,
we are never actually present in that moment
because we are so focused on finishing the task.
Once the task is complete,
we often find so many mistakes that could have been avoided
had we just slowed down.
Take your time to experience this process of recovery...
to learn and become stronger!
Marathon runners do just that...they experience the entire course
and become stronger in the process.
Sprinters are simply focused on the finish line.
They end the race tired, out of breath and sometimes with pulled muscles.
Don't allow yourself to get tired in recovery...tired generally ends in relapse.
Slowing down and pacing yourself may be uncomfortable, but it's necessary!
Over time, you will appreciate the time you invested in your recovery.
The marathon won't sound so bad.
You will have seen how beautiful the trees,
animals and other scenery was along the way.
You will have seen other runners helping
those who may have fallen down or needed more water.
In your process of recovery these same things will happen...
you will smile and laugh again at the simple things,
you will regain trust from friends, family and other healthy supports,
you will have people willing to help you because they see how bad you want this- bad you want to win!
You won't be alone like a sprinter,
but you will be surrounded by others who are encouraging you & cheering you on.
And that is an absolutely awesome feeling!
So when you find yourself wanting to sprint through recovery,
remind yourself that the turtle always wins the race